Re: [Salon] Call for an Ad-Hoc Committee for a New Bretton Woods - Thu, 30 Jun 2022 05:39:03 -0700 (PDT)

Mr. Coats,

What is "screaming nuts" about establishing a New Bretton Woods economic system, when the current Trans-Atlantic financial system is hopelessly bankrupt? 

The system will collapse either through a hyperinflationary blowout or a deflationary collapse as the central banks raise interest rates, causing mass bankruptcies. Something new is needed, especially if we are concerned with the "General Welfare", not protecting the speculative bubble of a relatively few billionaires. In addition, the question of a new economic order, based on development and justice, is already being discussed among Russia, China, India, and the "BRICS-Plus" nations. In so far, as the legacy of America, going back to the Declaration of Independence, is of an anti-imperial nature, shouldn't we be part of a global revolution against economic empire, instead of acting like the British Empire? 

Also, in so far as this question of a new just economic system that works for all nations, ourselves included, is directly related to the question of stopping the drive toward global nuclear war, I would urge you to watch the Schiller Institute Conference, Sun., July 3, "This July 4, Declare a New Bretton Woods": This July 4, Declare for A New Bretton Woods!! | The Schiller Institute


Gerald H. Belsky

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